donderdag 20 december 2012


My next assignment was "landscapes" and to be honest, I wasn't all that thrilled about it. When I think of landscapes of course I think of pretty pictures. Postcards you get from a distant relative who went to Switzerland. But not a very exciting assignment. Luckily, I'm a perfectionist and I didn't want to settle for any old picture of some pretty scenery. I wanted to make sure that I did something a little different and tried to play with colors and perspectives. I'm pretty pleased with my pictures and my teacher was too. So I felt like a very happy photographer in the making after showing these pictures in class and getting some very good commentary. Life has been good to me, lately, and I'm loving it. Hope you like my pictures!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. As always you have a beautiful way of seeing the world! Nice work! They are quiet and cold.

  2. Oh gosh I love the first one and the last one, but the first one better. I just can't get enough of the contrast between the woods and the asphalt and that yellow line in the middle of the photo makes it all better in my opinion, like a line that wants to reach the sky.

  3. These are turned out really cool! they do wake a certain emotion and make me think about the places, like krista said they are quiet and cold, and have a certain melancholy hanging in there in some of them, it's really good work! You really have an eye for photography.

